I Arrived in Tokyo yesterday after what felt like the longest flight in the history of air travel.
It's been well worth it by the way things are shaping up so far, pictures to follow soon, but, for now I'm late for an important appointment with some Asahi, Gyoza and a bowl of steaming ramen.
check this article out from the beeb, about a new fungus that's currently eating through poppy fields faster than you can say "Oh shit".
Don't get me wrong here, I'm not in any way advocating opium production or it's use. It's just that I think that there's too much going on here under the surface for my liking.
I may be a bit late to comment on the 'daggering' phenomenon that swept dancehalls across Jamaica a few months ago, but for those of you that happen to have been living under a rock for the past year, here's how it goes;
And now, a few small words from our legal department at the house of T
I understand that by undertaking the maneuvers in this video, I am risking injury and/or death to others and myself, making me an idiot, and yet I still choose to participate. I understand that I am fully responsible for all damages and/or liabilities caused by my actions with the use of this instructional video. I have a current personal health insurance policy, and I agree to rely on my own insurance to cover any expenses or liabilities that may arise as a result of any bodily injury or death. I agree to assume all risk of personal injury, liabilities and death that may result from my purchase and/or application of those techniques detailed in the video. I agree to waive and release any and all claims and potential claims against Bajanisms for all personal injuries, liabilities or deaths which may result from my stupidity in attempting to perform the techniques therein.
Been meaning to post this for about two weeks now, here we have two separate stories about the Transport Board, conveniently placed next to each other in the daily nation. Someone over at the Nation newspaper, Barbados clearly has a dislike of the Transport board authority and/or shares my sense of humour.