Monday, August 15, 2011

But, why'd you shoot him? He only had a knife!

Today's post is inspired by a letter titled 'The taser over the gun' sent to the Editor of the Nation newspaper and printed in today's edition.

"Both daily newspapers carried a story on Thursday, June 28, of a man shot dead by police. He reportedly was chased by police and allegedly attacked them with a cutlass and missiles. There was also the suggestion that he was “mad” – that is, mentally unwell.

It may well be that this is not the full story, but it is not the first time that supposedly “mad” people have been shot dead by police, and must lead to reasonable disquiet.

By dint of their disease, they may not be fully responsible for their violent actions.

A policeman armed with a pistol or revolver should be skilled enough to shoot such an attacker in the leg, disabling him.

A gunshot to the upper body is often fatal and readily accepted as an appropriate response by lawmen when faced with an attacker also armed with a gun, but questions may arise otherwise.

The ideal answer to this scenario is the taser, now in use in several police departments abroad. People have died after being tasered, but this is the exception. Tasers also cost less than the average magnum.

The public needs to retain confidence in the police as a friendly, protective force."

- Trevor Shepherd (Dr.)

I'm sure this topic has been flogged to death multiple times, but, I feel a need to add my 0.02c. So here's my review of your arguement in simple point form.

  • Para 1 - Dr. Shep, you are correct, I do, however have reservations over your use of the word 'allegedly', that is subjective.
  • Para 2 - That may also be true, what you have failed to mention is that they are more often than not 'allegedly' armed with cutlasses. (That must be quite a popular allegation with the RBPF.)
  • Para 3 - Am I to understand that if I wake up tomorrow and begin to do a raindance whilst smearing myself with poop , I am not responsible for my actions thereafter? Including attempted murder?
  • Para 4 - If you ever have operated a handgun, this was obviously done in a nice, controlled environment with a stationary target. Clearly you have never found yourself in a situation where adrenalin is pumping and a split second decision determines your life or death. I'm also quite sceptical about your knowledge of ballistics given your claims.
  • Para 5 - I'm going to step out on a limb here and assume that your title refers to M.D. I don't have any figures to dispute your claim that upper body shots are mostly fatal, so I'll agree to disagree for now on that one. What the second part of your paragraph suggests, is that gun v. gun =ok, but, that gun v. knife (or in this case machete) is uncalled for? lol, if you are indeed a medical doctor, then you may be familiar with photos like these (careful, they're graphic).
  • Para 6 - I have no problem with your suggestion of the use of tasers, and they are cheaper than handguns, however, you neglected to mention that there's only one shot, so the user had better say a prayer to the Gods of targeting before firing, cos' if they miss........
  • Para 7 - Agreed. But, if ever have to call the police because there are 3 masked men invading the house of T with knives, and they show up toting tasers, I will not be a happy camper.

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