Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This week's Bajanism - Philupean

Pronounciation: \ˈfɪlupɪən\

Etymology: Barbados


1. A native or inhabitant of St. Philip.
2. The derivative dialect that is based on Bajan creole, draws its lexicon loosely from english, and is the official language of St. Philip.


Of or relating to Philupean people, languages, or cultures.

commonly heard referring to items such as;

"beg" pr. /bɛg/ -
English translation - Bag

"Break-fuss" pr. /breɪk/fʌs/ -
English translation - Breakfast

"Chuffette" pr. /tʃʌf/fêt′/-
English translation - Chefette

Friday, March 26, 2010


I created this blog as a kind of travelogue so I wouldn't forget shit I did on my vacation, I'll be returning to that format shortly, that's why I haven't been posting, because it's been murder trying to pull it together, but here's the programme;

Barbados ✈ London ✈ Japan ✈ Singapore ✈ Hong Kong ✈ Japan ✈ London ✈ Barbados

Once again, that rarest of all travel birds has gotten away from me, the elusive DPRK visa.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

who knew?

He is Frank White, a chef who claimed to sell Cream of Wheat to generations of Americans. White's story, like his grave, would be forgotten if not for the Mid Michigan Genealogical Society and family researcher Jesse Lasorda of Lansing. Cataloguing Leslie's Woodlawn Cemetery, the society found records of an unmarked "colored" grave. Lasorda was asked to learn more about the man buried there, Frank White. Lasorda found proof White was born about 1867 in Barbados, came to the United States in 1875 and became a naturalized citizen in 1890. When he died February 15, 1938, White was described by the Leslie Local-Republican as a "famous chef" who "posed for an advertisement of a well-known breakfast food." Through his research, Lasorda became convinced White was the model for "Rastus," the smiling Cream of Wheat chef. "He was on the Cream of Wheat box from 1901 to 1925," Lasorda said. If so, it is impossible to prove. Cream of Wheat company history says the chef was a real person photographed about 1900 while working in a Chicago restaurant. His image was the basis for future versions of Rastus, but no one bothered to record his name. White was a well-traveled chef about the right age for the photo. He claimed to be the Cream of Wheat model and neighbors believed him. Even if they had the same face, White and Rastus were different people. Rastus was sometimes used to sell cereal in ways racially offensive by today's standards. White's life was richer than a stereotype. He worked in cities, on trains and on steam ships. Married twice, White had no children. His first wife was said to be the second black woman to graduate from the University of Michigan. He settled in Leslie, her hometown, in the early 1920s. "After the (First) World War, he ran the Holly House in Mason and became noted in the vicinity for his "Maryland chicken," White's obituary said. "He seemed quite content to settle down to a peaceful life during the last days. He made many friends in Leslie and enjoyed caring for his chickens and pigs and working in his garden." White left an estate worth $400.

SOURCE: Brad Flory
Originally published September 9, 2004

Jackson Citizen Patriot 2004

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pure unadulterated bajan bullion

Got this quick note from a friend regarding the origins of what I believe is our most valuable asset. (tip of the hat to you K.H!) Thought I'd share it with you, so here you go;

Over the years I've given this as a gift to so many friends abroad as it is one of the few rums I can stand. Plus rum "bibbers" (Bajan for connoisseurs/quasi-alcohol
ics) tell me it's good stuff! Of course I always get the: "why's it Mount GAY?" followed by a snicker! I usually roll my eyes and say - it was 1703 I don't think they had homophobia on the mind! Anyway, thanks to the Barbados Hotel & Tourism Association's newsletter I now know why! And now so can you:

Did You Know??

Mount Gay Rum is probably the oldest rum in the world. A tattered title deed confirms that rum production on the Mount Gay Estate in Barbados was well underway in 1703. In those days, the making of good rum took precedence over its documentation. Little did they know they were making history.

The Mount Gay Estate was originally called “Mount Gilboa” and was located in the northern parish of St. Lucy. In 1801, it was renamed to honour the late caretaker and eminent son of Barbados, Sir John Gay Alleyne. A mount Alleyne was already in existence, so the estate became “Mount Gay” and that is how it has remained to this day.

Friday, March 12, 2010

You couldn't make this stuff up..

radio dj: Let's go over to our telephone lines for one more call before the news....Hello

caller: Yeh (dj) wha gine on dis de shottaboss, keepin it real everytime,

radio dj: Yes man so do yuh ting...

caller: Yeh, I jus waan' big up all the girls and I wanna shout out --- --------------

radio dj: hello?, yeh go ahead ...........

caller: amm, I can't find the list with the names that I had here though.

radio dj: (suppressed laughter) ok, so you just wanna big up all the girls.

caller: ahh yea, all the girls y'know?? --------*click*

true story

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Ok, so I've been slacking in my posts recently, but that's because I'm trying to complete some research for a few historical Barbadian/caribbean posts, so just bear with me for a bit.

From the files of lamebook.com

Click on the photo for the legible version, you can read the original lamebook entry here, and you can become a fan of pokey the mostawesomestdog here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

one hella-va number ----ha ha ha ha

Math fanatics are petitioning to officially name the number 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 a hella. Yeah, like, seriously and junk.

There's an FB petition group and everything.

Dear Jeebus, please come back for your planet

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I, saltwater photographer.

Righty, so I've finally started trying my hand at surf photography, and in doing so I've discovered 2 major issues;

  1. If the conditions are ripe for potentially good photos, then I'd rather be on a board (and vice versa)
  2. Treading water and fiddling with a camera is hard bloody work!
So, needless to say, I don't think I'll be giving up the day job just yet, but, even though the pictures are a bit shite, i'm curious about developing it possibly as a talent.

Obama's cumbia
