Monday, July 8, 2013

Cultural Clash:- On hurricane season Pt.2

Following on from my last post, and in what can only be interpreted as the greatest win for males everywhere it appears as though said tropical storm/ potential hurricane COULD IN FACT WAIT until after payday to touchdown. Nyeh!

As I sit here typing this there's an eerie still outside of the house no wind, no rain, there's no traffic on the streets so here's to hoping that it stays that way through the night, but for now I'll leave you with a few words of wisdom from my father;

 - "Boy, you'd better get your ass in gear for school [ed. "work"] tomorrow, but go and fill the bathtub just in case"

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cultural Clash:- On hurricane season

A: You know, we should start stocking up on stuff because it's hurricane season
B: Like what?
A: torchlight, annnnnd *frustrated gesturing*
B: Canned food?
A: Yes! canned food.
A: So when can we buy it?
B: ....After payday
*more silence*
B: What?!
A: Nothing!. I hope you tell the fucking hurricane not to come until after payday

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


So I've finally come crawling back to my blog after more than a year. It's been a busy year at that, with work and personal life as such.

The biggest change being that the House of T is now fully independent from the original empire and the minister of foreign affairs is now a permanent fixture.

It makes for some entertainment as she comes from a society that culturally speaking, is the complete opposite of the Barbadian way.

It does at times make for hilarious/frustrating conversations, some of which I feel compelled to share with the internet.

Stay tuned.